Штаб партии

​720005, Кыргызстан, г.Бишкек,
улица Максима Горького 116

Контактные телефоны:
(+996 312) 45-28-33
(+996 557) 20-02-13

[email protected]
[email protected]

English version of the website

Dear Visitor,

After more than three years of activity of our website we have come to decision to review its structure. On September 24th, 2006 we have completely updated the codebase of the official website of our party.

One of negative results of that update was that we had to cancel English and Kyrgyz versions. Some reasons of this decision are lack of financial and human resources our party could assign to its offical portal, and on the other hand significant drop in number of visits of the sections of our website in those languages. Probably, some time in the future our website again will start publish reading materials in English, but for now we have decided to turn our efforts to provide news and analitical articles of better quality and operativness at least in one Russian language.

Still, you can access the archive of all the new in English published on our website since early 2003 untill May, 2005 at http://www.ar-namys.org/old/en

In case if you would like to have a notion of what kind of materials we will be publishing after September 24, 2006, then you can use online trnaslation service at


but please be aware that this automatic service will provide only approximate translation with lots of grammatical mistakes.